Sunday, June 12, 2011

post grad; pre texas o1

So, for those that couldn't tell by the over saturation of words on the webpage, I somehow managed to graduate high school. 


Have to admit, sometimes I thought it wouldn't happen. Especially Junior year, but you know, been there, got over all that. Moved onto Senior year, took some easier classes, and rocked it for the most part. 

Though I think Senioritis hit harder for me than most other people, but I will just go ahead and blame the internet for that, because well, in this day and age, I can blame the internet for just about anything. Pro or con, that's debatable. But I passed everything with more or less decent grades, and I can slide everything off that had worse grades as legitimately harder classes. Sure. That'll work. 

The entire graduation ceremony could be described with a ridiculous walking in process (that was described as 'zipping and unzipping'), a slight moment of panic when it started drizzling, the ironic sage words of Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Deeder losing his speech, Ms. Hamer adding me on facebook as I walked across the stage, and a plethora of bad photos in a sea of people afterwards.

Good lord, those photos are horrid.

Grad night? It was at the place I said it was. With a water slide and all that jazz. Pasta bar made me feel like I was eating at some semi-fine dining restaurant and I was woefully under-dressed. Only time I felt really awake was while I was in the pool, which I ended up spending most of my time in, until we were forced back to the eating area for ridiculous games for money (including Adele who put together a 25 piece puzzle for three year olds). Which most people enjoyed, but I ended up sleeping halfway through and getting M&Ms thrown at me and melting on my arms/face. 

Oh, and Italian soda. Never can have enough Italian soda.

Went home, slept for 12 hours, stayed up until 5am finally talking to my dear friend in Korea (hi, Robin!), woke up at noon today. Oops. 

Summer's started, that's for sure. 

I move in a couple weeks to El Paso, which has become more of a mental curse than a blessing. I'm excited for the food, and being closer to family, aaaand....that's about it. Maybe the room upgrade, we'll see about that. 

Heat? No thanks. Dirt flying everywhere? No thanks. Being able to say, non-ironically, "I can see Mexico from my house!"? Nope. Not really fond of that idea. 

Having pretty much no reason to use my Japanese whatsoever and all the reasons in the world to use my non-existent Spanish? 

Yup. Life really likes kicking me when I'm down, it seems. 

It's okay that I'm moving overall, I guess. Everyone's moving on with their lives and going to cool unique places, or boring ones, but Wilsonville breeds people of both types. Seemingly ideal suburbia life makes people cage crazy or provides a safety net.

The timing couldn't have been better for moving, but it's still pretty cruddy timing, you have to admit it. 

After Texas though, Europe awaits in September. The yearbook was embarrassing since the plan of 10 or so countries has been narrowed down to the UK and France. France with Granny, UK by myself while visiting cool people and taking far too many photos of Scottish architecture. 

Pretty much all worth saying for now. Could bore you all with my insights on the latest update with my favorite webcomic and the cruel struggles of writing, but it'd probably fly over my target audience's head. 

I'll leave with a confusing fact: My grandmother was just now scrubbing the bottom of the trashcan with the thing that's used to scrub dishes. 

I and my food handler's licence shivers. 

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